Stan's NoTubes
Stan's NoTubes has transferred to Raleigh along with all remaining stock.
email: [email protected]
tel: 01773 532600.
The company has wound down its position within the industry with the brands moving to new distributors, information of the new partners can be found below. The full press release can be read here.
Stan's NoTubes has transferred to Raleigh along with all remaining stock.
email: [email protected]
tel: 01773 532600.
Goodyear has transferred to Cambrian Tyres along with all remaining stock.
email: [email protected]
tel: 01970 626777
All Kingud product has been transferred back to them and is available direct through their website.
Alé been transferred to Chicken Cycle Kit.
email: [email protected]
tel: 01525 243 655
Awaiting new distributor details
DMT shoes have been transferred to Chicken Cycle Kit.
email: [email protected]
tel: 01525 243 655
Marin bikes are available direct in the UK and can be contactable via their website.
Mekk no longer exists and we hold no contact information for any spares, warranty or ex-owners of the business.
Axiom is no longer distributed in the UK.